selected essays
reviews + interviews

ASAP: Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present​

‘Finding Planets in Austin: On Works by Lubaina Himid and Hubbard / Birchler’

Jamin An’s essay probes connections between Himid’s Make Do and Mend at The Contemporary Austin and Hubbard / Birchler’s Past Deposits from a Future Yet to Come at the Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park, Austin.


Teresa Hubbard and Alexander Birchler in conversation with Ricky Ruihong Li about their most recent work, Past Deposits from a Future Yet to Come and the beginnings of their collaboration in Canada.

Ästhetik der Rührung, Roger Fayet​

‘Pain and Reconciliation in Hubbard / Birchler’s Flora.’

Ästhetik der Rührung (Aesthetics of Emotion), Roger Fayet, Director of SIK-Art: Swiss Institute for Art Research.

Modern Art Museum Fort Worth

‘Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler. Flora’

Teresa Hubbard and Alexander Birchler in conversation with Senior Curator Andrea Karnes.

Museum of Contemporary Art Denver

‘Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler. Flora’

Nora Burnett Abrams, Mark G. Falcone Director

Monopol Magazine, Juli/August 2019

“Alte Meister von Neuen geliebt”

Teresa Hubbard über eine Fotografie mit FLORA MAYO und ALBERTO GIACOMETTI.

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 10 März, 2019

“Die Frau, die einen Namen hat.”

Teresa Hubbard und Alexander Birchler erinnern an Flora Mayo, die vergessene Künstlerin und Geliebte Giacomettis.

Art Asia Pacific Magazine, Issue 111, Nov / Dec 2018

‘Giving Voice.’

A conversation between Christina Végh, Alexander Birchler and Teresa Hubbard.

57. Venice Biennial. Women of Venice.

‘At the Edge of the Frame 2017’

Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler in conversation with Philipp Kaiser

Hyperallergic, April 2017

‘Now and then: The Rediscovery of Flora Mayo’

Review by Gregory Volk on Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler’s work in the Swiss Pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennial.

Weltkunst, das Kunstmagazin der Zeit

“Im Schattern der Erinnerung.”, January 2017

Essay by Daniel Schreiber

Monopol Magazine, January 2017

So reisen Künstler: Nevin Aladağ, Julian Charrière, Ayşe Erkmen, Hubbard/Birchler, Michaela Meise, Emeka Ogboh, Tobias Zielony

Kunstbulletin, April 2017

”Teresa Hubbard und Alexander Birchler – Subtext der Kunstwelt”

Essay by Deborah Keller

AZ Aargauer Zeitung

“Detektive im Dienst der Kunst”

Isabel Zürcher diskutiert die Arbeit für den Schweizer Pavillon an der 57. Biennale von Venedig. Ein Besuch während den Vorbereitungen für die Dreharbeiten im Kunsthaus Zürich.

BOMB Magazine

‘Artists in Conversation’, July 03, 2014

Interview with Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler and Irina Arnaut

Akademie Schloss Solitude

‘Dealing with Fear’, Symposium, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart 2010

Teresa Hubbard in conversation with Beate Söntgen

Millennium No. 54, Fall 2011

‘Cinematic Time Replayed’

Review by Rachel Stevens

Artforum Critics' Pick. March 2011

‘Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler, Lora Reynolds Gallery”

Review by Benjamin Lima

Artforum, April 2011

‘Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler. Tanya Bonakdar Gallery’

Review by Jeffrey Kastner

Hubertus von Amelunxen

President, Braunschweig University of Art, Hochschule fuer Bildende Kuenste, Braunschweig

‘Walls of Time’

First published in: ‘Scene: Teresa Hubbard and Alexander Birchler’, Zürich, 1998

New York Times, Jan 14, 2011

‘Teresa Hubbard and Alexander Birchler.’ Tanya Bonakdar Gallery

Review by Ken Johnson

Sara Arrhenius

Director, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm.

‘Recurring Images’

First published in: ‘Exhibition Catalogue ‘Hubbard/Birchler: No Rooms to Answer’, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and The Württembergischer Kunstverien Stuttgart. Germany, 2008

Philipp Kaiser

Former Director, Museum Ludwig, Cologne

‘At the Limits of Photography. Cinematic Elements in the Work of Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler’

First published in: Exhibition Catalogue ‘Wild Walls’ Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld, 2001

Konrad Bitterli

Director, Kunstmuseum, Winterthur

‘Floating images – Enigmatic Narratives. Recent Videos by Hubbard / Birchler’

First published in: ‘Parkett’ no. 65, Zürich, New York, September 2002

Interview with Andrea Karnes,

Senior Curator, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, USA

First published in: ‘Exhibition Catalogue ‘Hubbard/Birchler: No Rooms to Answer’, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and The Württembergischer Kunstverien Stuttgart. Germany, 2008

Annika von Taube

‘Paris Texas.’

First published in: Sleek Magazine for Art and Fashion, Berlin, Spring 2011

Shamim M. Momim

Associate Curator, Whitney Museum of American Art

‘Single Wide. Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler’

First published in: Exhibition Catalogue ‘Single Wide’ Whitney Museum of American Art at Altria, New York, 2004

Inka Graeve Ingelmann

Curator of Photography and New Media Pinakothek der Moderne Munich

‘Filmstills 2000.’

First published in: Exh. Catalogue ‘Held Together With Water: Art from the Sammlung Verbund’. Hatje Cantz Publisher, Osterfildern-Ruit, 2007

“To be inside and outside at the same time.”

Interview with Stephan Urbaschek, Director, Goetz Collection Munich, June 11, 2005

First published in: Exh. Catalogue Imagination Becomes Reality Part II: Painting Surface Space Goetz Collection Munich, 2006

Iris Dressler

Co-Director, Curator Wuerttembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart

Von aussen nach innen und wieder zurück. Versuche einer Annährung an das Werk von Teresa Hubbard und Alexander Birchler.’

First published in: Exh. Catalogue ‘No Room to Answer’. Hatje Cantz Publisher, Osterfildern-Ruit, 2008

Kunstbulletin, November 2009

“Teresa Hubbard und Alexander Birchler – Loops zwischen Amnesie und Wiederholung”

Essay by Dominique Von Burg

Philip Ursprung

Professor, The History of Art and Architecture ETH, Zürich

“You Should Have Stayed in Your Room!”

Recalling Rooms: Stories and Architecture in the Photographs of Teresa Hubbard and Alexander Birchler. First published in: ‘Scene: Teresa Hubbard and Alexander Birchler’ Zürich, 1998

Dominic Molon

Chief Curator, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis

‘No Way Out’

First published in: Exh. Catalogue House With Pool. Christoph Merian Verlag, Basel 2004

Christoph Doswald

‘Pictures out of a Personal Collective: A Medial Musée Imaginaire’

First published in: Exh. Catalogue Teresa Hubbard und Alexander Birchler: Slow Place, Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmuseum Basel, 1997

Tate Etc, May 2017

‘ Inspired by Giacometti- Teresa Hubbard & Alexander Birchler and Jac Leirner’
Artists reveal how Alberto Giacometti has inspired their recent work

Julius Bär Vision, Vol. 5

‘Expanding the Art Collection.’

Author: Barbara Staubli, Curator, Julius Baer Art Collection